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Top 15 Best Pay Per Click (PPC) Publisher Ad Networks WebSites

PPC (Pay per Click) is the term which most commonly used in the advertising industry. People or companies which belong to advertisement industry as advertisers or publishers always focus on PPC.
Now the question is what is PPC?
In short, it followed by kind of mechanism for serving ads. Advertisers or website owner want more traffic on website so they are invest in ads on the basis of pay per click.On the other side publishers want to earn money so they place ads on their website or blog which pay them on the basis of pay per click.For this purpose both need to join pay per click websites which works as 3rd party between them. So that means PPC is the main reason behind the relationship of advertiser and publisher. 3rd party pay per click sitesare for both advertiser who want visitors for their business as well as Publisher who want to earn revenue for placing ads. Both parties join ppc ad network according to their need. When the visitors of Publisher site click on the advertiser ads, then Advertiser has to Pay for each successful valid click. So if you want understand the whole concept of PPC then i recommend to read How Does PPC Work?
Every Blogger or Webmaster dreams to make some money from there website or blog through ads. PPC ads are the effective way to earn revenue for content by placing pay per click ads on web page where huge traffic is coming. When someone show interest in ad and visit it, Then publisher will earn money. But a major problem faced by advertiser and publisher is while finding best pay per click sites.
Their are many best pay per click sites are available in market but some of them are paying quite low. So in this article we are going to list out best pay per click sites for publisher and advertiser. Choose according to your requirement and blog traffic.

Best CPC (Cost Per Cliks) Or PPC (Pay Per Click) Sites For Publishers.

#1. Bidvertiser

thinknowledge-bidadvtiserBidvertiser is also a best choice if you are not able to get an approval from Adsense. Bidvertiser is also famous and oldest best in all pay per click sites and even perform well at some kind of blogs. It CPC rates are best as compare to other small networks just because they offer POP up, Banner and various other typing advertising techniques. Its CPC rates vary from approx 0.02 to $10 and you get earning bases on total earn point. Overall performance is best if have sufficient account of traffic.
Ad Format:- Banner Ads, In-text, Domain Parking, XML Feed ads, Contextual Ads, Search Toolbar
Payment:- Minimum Payout $10 via PayPal.
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#2. Propeller Ads

thinknowelgelogo_propelleradsPropellerAds is fastest growing multi ad format network. According to use this is best choice in all pay per click websites. It provides detailed optimization for each site individually so that you can select best performing ad campaign. Its basically shows up as CPM based ad network. But in actual this network is based on various models like CPM, CPA, CPC and CPL. In overall this is one of the best ad network.
Ad Format:- OnClick Ads, Video Ads, Mobile Ads on CPM, CPA, CPL and CPC bases.
Payout:- $100 Via Wire Transfer, Payoneer, Payza.
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#3 Adnow

thinknowledge-adnowAdnow is one of the fastest growing Native ads advertising network in the world. Despite being founded just 2 years ago, Adnow serving over 4.2 billion+ impressions every month with 150,000+ global partners from 107 countries. Their dedicated team working efficiently to improve product experiences and algorithm in order to provide a maximum income for Publishers as well as Advertisers. There is no doubt that many big platforms already exist (like Taboola, Outbrain and Revcontent) who defining the concept of native ads but they are good until you have huge traffic per month. They follow some serious approval procedure and it’s become a challenging part for medium size publishers who want to monetize their traffic. So, Adnow is becoming a boon for medium traffic blogs and sites by offering easy sign-up process, quick approval system, monetizing widget and industry leading payouts.
Ad Format:- Content discovery, Product Recommendation & Effective advertising
Payout:- Weekly payment starting with $20 Via PayPal & Wire.
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#4. AdsOptimal

thinknowledge-ads-optimalAdsOptimal is fastest growing multi advertising network. It is one the best alternative to other pay per click sites. They offers Display ads, Page level ads and most advance feature like 360% Virtual Reality Ads which is really amazing in market. Adsoptimal is one the best platform for publishers they offers good RPM. Basically they have 3 different Levels Bronze, Silver, Gold for publishers sites which is based of domain authority, traffic quality and others factors. According to that factors they provide more High RPM premium ads.
Minimum Payout:- $50 Via Paypal Or Check.
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#5. PopAds

pop-adslogoPopAds is largest ad network focus only on popunder or popup ads. Advertiser and publishers both can be a part of this patform. This patform is a great option for those who don’t have adsense or any other platform to generate good revenue. If you have high amount of traffic on sites likes file sharing, video sharing or any other event focus site then its great to use this platform. They offers on avg $4 RPM depends on traffic location. Overall this patform is great and also they have Anti Ad Block feature that means they bypass Adblock. They is not approval require you just need to sign up and add your website URL and generate ad code and start earning.
Minimum Payout:- $5 Via PayPal, Payoneer with auto withdrawal feature.
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#6. RevenueHits

thinknowledge-revenue-hitslogo_newRevenueHits is the best PPC ad network for publishers who want to generate more revenues with state of the art Contextual & Geo targeted Ad Serving technology. It prov
ides self services for publishers, where any webmaster can come and get tags and start making money. RevenueHits also offers a self service for Advertisers, where anyone can come and buy very high quality traffic.
Bottom line – if you want to take your website or blog’s income generation to the next level, this is the best solution around. RevenueHits is the best ad network for monetizing websites.
Ad Format:- Display Ads, Text Ads, Pop up/under
Payout:- $50 via PayPal.
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#7. InfoLinks Ads

thinknowledge-infolinks-logoInfolinks is In-text link based best in all pay per click sites. If you have text based rich site or blog then Infolinks is best choice for earn some revenue. The best part of Infolinks is they don’t need and space for banners. Infolinks show targeted ads for any relevant keyword from you content. You can also use keyword Tag cloud from Infolinks on you site or Infolinks can be use as search ads.  Infolinks don’t cover the spaces so that’s why you can use other ads banner from Adsense or other alternative to earn more revenue for site content.
Ad Format:- In-text ads, Search ads or In Tag cloud.
Payment:- Minimum Pay out $50 via PayPal or wire transfer.
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#8. ExoClick (Adult & File Sharing)

thinknowledge-exo-clickExoclick is 4rd largest web and mobile ad network based pay per click mechanism. Exoclick mainly provide ads for Adult, Lifestyle & Entertainment, Streaming and File Sharing type sites. If you have any kind of site belonging to these categories then this network will perform better ad compare to others. It is 100% self driven platform with more 5 billion+ daily ad impression. They offer 20+ different ad format for Desktop, Mobile, Tablet and Smart TVs. They also provide deep targeting data and many optimization tools. Exoclick almost having all famous ad formats Banner Ads, In-strem video, Notification Bar, Popunder, Interstial, Instant Message, Text Ads. Even they also serve ads on Android apps. Overall this good alternative to other pay per click sites for those who have adult type content or any software, file sharing type sites.
Minimum Payout:- $20 via Paypal, Payoneer, Wire Transfer On Weekly bases.
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#9. Clicksor Ads

thinknowledge-clicksor_logoThis is also one of the best Alternative for other in-text based as well for banner ads. Clicksor is best and popular platform of advertiser and publisher. It has several advertising format like in-text ads and contextual banner ads. Clicksor also divides publisher in two groups on the bases of total impressions. Clicksor is Bid based CPC and CPM ads network. Its offer less CPC rates as compare to above Sites. If also offer Referral Program which means you earn 10% revenue from the Publisher you refer for using Clicksor.
Ad Format:- In-text and contextual banner ads, Pop under and other text based ads.
Minimum Payout:- $50 through check or PayPal.
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#10. Chitika Ads

thinknowledge-chitika-logoChitika is also famous platform in pay per click websites for Search Targeted Ads, Local ads and Mobile Ads. Chitika ads are accepts only organic traffic drive by Search engines. So you will only earn revenue from clicks, if you have good visitor flow from search engines. Chitika Offers high CPC rates as compare to others but little bit low as compare to Adsense. But along with others it is also good Adsense alternative. Chitika has Referring Program also you can refer others for using Chitika ads then you will earn 10% of Refer Publisher review for 10 months.
Requirement:- Organic Search Traffic is required for earning.
Ad Format:- Display banner ads, Text Ads.
Payout:- $10 via PayPal and $50 via Checks.
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#11. Media.Net Ads

logo-medianet-altMedia.net is a Contextual bases top in all pay per click websites introduced by Combined Yahoo and Bing and powered by Media.Net. It is one of best Alternative of Adsense. Its CPC rates are also high and favorable. It is also Bid based CPC and CPM and CPA ads on the bases of eRPM. Media.net become most popular for advertiser and publisher within few years and makes best place in advertising. Unfortunately if you don’t get Adsense approval then i recommend you to apply for Media.Net
Requirement:- High quality content and Traffic from premium countries like USA, UK, Canada.
Ad Format:- Display Ads, Keyword Block Ads.
Payout:- $250 via PayPal or Wire Transfer.
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#12. Affinity Ads

affinity-adsAffinity has also make their best place in advertising market. It has adopted many different kind of ways for publisher to earn more revenue from their website by implementation in Toolbar, In-text, search suggestion, gaming ads, widget and such kinds of amazing implementation. Affinity is also Bid Rates network based on CPC , CPM and CPA with better eRPM rates. It has highest revenue sharing upto 95% as compare to others.
Ad Format:- In-Search, In-Domain, In-Content, Display Ads, Mobile Ads.
Minimum payout:- $50 via PayPal.
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#13. Kontera Ads

Kontera is almost alternative to Infolinks ads networks. It is based on In-text and in-image ads for your text content for any selected keywords. It shows relevant ads for keyword shown in double underline which is also looks irritating for users . Kontera offers Less CPC rates but they having higher CTR rates. Kontera is also compatible which Google Adsense and other Networks. They also don’t need any space of banner placement. So it is better way to earn side earnings along with other Banners based ads. Kontera share 70% revenue with Publishers
Ad Format:- In-text based ads
Minimum Payout:- $50 PayPal or Wire Transfer.
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#14. Conversant Media

conversant_logoConversant media Ads holds best position in pay per click sites. It is based on CPC and CPM methods. Advertisement format used by Conversant have contextual ads, different size of banner, pop ads and many other different format. Its offers good CPC, CPM and CPL rates but lesser as compared to above networks.
Ad Format:- Display Ads, Text Ads, Video Ads, Mobile Ads, In-text, Flash ads
Minimum Payout:- $25 vie PayPal.
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#15. AdHitz

AdHitz is growing advertiser platform but its performance on the publisher platforms not so good. AdHitz having number different types of advertiser but it offers less CPC rates as compared to other PPC networks so that’s why publishers choose Adhitz lesser  compare to others. But if their is no choice left then i recommend you to choose Adhitz. Otherwise try on another ads programs first.
Ad Format:- Flat Rates PPC ads, Banner Ads.
Minimum payout:- $25 via PayPal.
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#16. Google Adsense (Best Of All)

Google Adsense is one of the best in all  pay per click sites. No doubt every blogger and website owner wants to earn through Adsense because there are many reasons behind the success and Adsense Popularity. In short Adsense is Bid based CPC and RPM networks and there are lots of advertisers bases on the niche of sites. Adsense offers highest CPC rates and show more targeted ads related to content which increase the CTR rate and helps to earn more revenue. Adsense rates varies on the bases of relevant and irrelevant ads. It CPC rate vary between the range of $0.02 – $15 depend upon the location of visitor and niche of the blog.
Ad Format:- Responsive Ads, Display Ads, Text Ads, Link Ads, Page level Ads.
Payout:- $100 via check, EFT, Wired transfer, Western Union.
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Note:- Don’t use more that 2,3 three different networks on same time at any web page. Their are many bad effects on site as well on earnings also. So better try one by one and choose which performs better according to your site.
We hope You enjoy this article about best pay per click sites. We tried to list only the best ppc sites from where you can earn some revenue. Their are numbers of PPC websites are available which we have not listed just because of their low cpc rates and performance. So, we recommend you to choose any network which you like.

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